Defending people who get arrested

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, your attorney will work with you to determine your best defense and ensure your rights are protected. Throughout your case, our experienced and specialized teams fight for you in court, will support you if you are in jail and work together to get the best outcome for you.

Learn more about our Criminal Defense Practice.Criminal Defense

Defending you from all sides.

Meet with you & discuss your case

First, we talk to you about what happened and learn about who you are. We build a relationship with you through open communication and dialogue so we can work together throughout the case.

Focus on bail & pre-trial detention

From your first court appearance (arraignment), we will work to get you out of jail while your case is pending. If you are detained, we will support you and advocate for what you need while incarcerated.

Investigate & prepare your case

Our team will meet with witnesses, speak with experts, obtain videos, review police reports, and follow up on leads that you provide or we learn about during our investigation.

Keep you informed & advise you of your options

Your attorney will keep in touch with you regarding developments in your case and discuss your options at all stages of the case. This may include proceeding to trial, completing a treatment program, or accepting a plea bargain.

Stand with & defend you in court

We will argue legal and factual issues in court, including bail applications and litigating motions for evidence, suppression hearings and ultimately, trial.

Assist you

Our social workers are specially trained and experienced to provide you with assistance, refer you to outside resources and support you throughout your case and beyond.