Systemic change in New York's Child Welfare system fails to pass in this legislative session
"New York’s legislative season ended this weekend with a disappointing finale for family advocates, lawmakers and policy experts hoping for systemic change in the child welfare system.
Despite optimism earlier this year, bills that would have curbed anonymous reporting to the child protection hotline, provided Miranda-style warnings to parents under investigation and barred nonconsensual testing of birthing moms all failed to pass. Collectively, the legislation would have dialed back CPS intervention in the lives of Empire State families, who are disproportionately people of color."
"Nila Natarajan, associate director of policy and family defense at Brooklyn Defender Services, said in an email that the failed legislation would have served to “empower and protect the rights of families and seek to minimize the harms of family policing.”
Despite the setbacks Brooklyn Defenders remains firmly committed to its mission to defend and advocate for its clients and all New Yorkers.
Read the full story here.